Wednesday, March 20, 2013

First visit to the doctors

Its been exactly one week since I found out I had an unexplained visitor residing within me. There wasn't much sleep last night, in between cats walking on my face, puppy whining, and the gosh awful humidity I was kept up and wrapped up in my mind and thoughts.Not to mention I accidentally forgot to turn off the sound system for the tv last night and around 2am we heard a screeching noise and a warning about thunderstorms...I never heard that thunderstorm the crazy man was talking about.

This week hasnt been all that blissful, Ive been nauseated, I had my first pregnancy puke yesterday, I have cramps and these prenatal vitamins are horse pills!!....But nothing makes me feel better than seeing how Dominic is reacting to the news. It's as if hes on daddy mode already, somehow hes turned into a great chef, and has been cooking. Ive been doing the dishes mostly.

                                        One night we had beef and broccoli rice and lumpia.
                                   The next day we had some amazing sliders and curly fries.

So at 6:30 am we finally get up to get ready, my appointment wasnt until 9:15. But he needed to shower and get ready, I stayed and slept a little longer. I got up walked puppy outside came back and it started a torrential downpour so Dom went to the little corner store and bought a couple umbrellas, I dont know why we got rid of ours when we moved, did I think that it wouldnt rain in Texas??
As we start walking I manage to break the umbrella with my endless fidgeting, Im such a brute!
We caught the 7:26 bus to downtown and had to change to get the light rail. This is such a journey!
We get off at the stop and have to walk a little bit to the building, while on the walk we managed to escape being drenched by cars passing by puddles. We had a systematic thing going on, walk on grass, walk on pavement. At some point I end up walking on what Im pretty sure is wet cement, but it felt so squishy and fun to walk on...Bad idea, we get to the building and I still have a ton of it on my shoes...

We get to the doctors office and of course their carpet is some light color, go figure. This office is just amazing, there are pictures of babies on the walls, not the babies that you just go oh ew, but artistically done and quite beautiful, there are fresh beautiful flowers, the chairs and couches and sofas are like what you find in the cutest fanciest houses, and there are chandeliers, Chandeliers!!! Ok so I make my way up to the desk and tell them that Im fashionably early for my 9:15 appointment. By fashionably early I mean an hour. The receptionist asks me to fill out some other paperwork and I ask for a pen, she point to the pen holder, I grab what happens to be the worlds prettiest pens. Its got some jewels on it, its a light silver and has the name of the clinic engraved on it. I wanted to take that pen home.....Why is everything so delicate and feminine in here!!
Well I fill out my paperwork return it and she takes a picture of me. Why? If I knew there were gonna be pictures I would have showered this morning not last night ok?!

I sit back down and after however long MaryAnne the super adorable MA calls me back. She didnt call me Goolia or Guy-ulia. She called me the correct name. Kudos MaryAnne I already like you!
We got my weight,blood pressure and I peed in a cup, good cuz I had to really go. 
She asks lots of questions, one even being are there any jewish, italian (a few other choices) in you? Why? I finally get into one of the uncomfortable pink gowns they put you in and stare at the ultrasound probe.
My PA comes in, Brandi, shes very smiley. Blonde, bob, I think she has had some botox done....
She introduces herself and is a very nice woman. She does my boob check Ouch it hurts ok! And then goes in for the kill, I gotta get a pap smear. Oh hooray!! Shes talking me though everything and Maryannes right there in eyesight of my hoohah...Sorry I guess there goes our chances of ever becoming friends.
She finally finishes the dreaded pap, no seriously there isnt a single woman who can actually leave after one and go on with her day as if she didnt just get molested by a Qtip.
Brandi then says its time for the ultrasound, yes! Finally, ok Im ready, Im not intimidated at all  by the ultrasound, since its too early to be able to see though an outside ultrasound they have to do it though inside.
As it turns out though, were only 5 weeks in, meaning tadpoles actually only a black blip on the ultrasound. But its there!!! Theres a little human growing inside me. Im like a clam turning a grain of sand into a beautiful pearl!
                                                    The little black dot in the middle left

After the ultrasound Brandi tells me that I have to now go get some blood work done. They were also gonna test me for Toxoplasmosis, since I have cats and litter boxes may contain it? Im not quite sure about it. And NO I will not get rid of my cats! I go and get my blood done, I hate needles, despise them. And I only have one good vein, I sure hope they wont have to keep drawing blood, I dont want flashbacks of my Pima days!
After all was done we set up another appointment for the 5th, well be around 7 weeks and hopefully be able to hear a little heartbeat and see something.

We left in happy spirits, everything is going well so far. I have a lot of positive energy coming from everyone. At least everyone that knows. Dom still hadn't told his family or friends. On the ride back I kept thinking well, its 3 months before they say its safe. Gosh thats an awful long time to not say anything to his family.
We get home and Im clearly quite uncomfortable after everything so I lay down on the couch, he makes us some food before heading to work.
About 15 minutes later I got tagged in a status that he had posted.

Well thats one way to put it!! Since, I have been showered with such positivity and so much great enforcement, I am truly lucky to have all the people I have in my life.
Thank you all even though I'm not near most, I still feel as if they're all here with me, doing this.

Oh and also my sister posted this up and I thought it was pretty cute!!
I hope we can have one for every week or every few weeks when it starts changing sizes?? eh? ehh!!!

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