Wednesday, March 20, 2013

My unplanned surprise

First time blogging, my aunt gave me the idea to start a blog as I seem to have a little tadpole within me. I've always been told Im a pretty good writer also, so hopefully this will be entertaining as Im sure Ill have a lot to say.
I guess when I really think of it, it wasnt such a surprise, I had gotten off birth control to get my body back to somewhat of a normal hormone balance, and I had gained a bit of weight with the last one. Ive always been kind of a weird-o about pregnancy scares, not that I ever was before, but I had taken plenty of tests before. But I never knew what I would do if any of them ever came back positive, or 3 of them.

 Obviously the 16 year old in me had to call my best friend. I call her multiple times and she doesn't answer. I ask her to call me back ASAP. In the 2 minutes it took I went from being completely composed to a bawling hot mess. Shes telling me her husbands getting his citizenship and shes at the homeland security office and that this was NOT the place to hear such news. I start laughing and there might have been a lot of swearing also, she had told me before I left that I was gonna get pregnant in TX and be with a bunch of guns and bibles. I finally calmed down enough and her last response is "does  he know?" No of course he doesnt know yet!!! I cant just say heyyy by the I might be pregnant? It had to be something better, epic, and not to count that I was scared out of my mind. I mean here I am, just moved states, a new job, a new puppy!!, and we dont even have a car yet!!

So I go to work, and I try to call my sister but shes in class. So I text her. (This whole texting thing is very convenient. You cant screen a text!) I get to work and luckily all the other managers are at a meeting so I have time to calm myself. Im in shock. I get a call from my sister and I tell her, well Im at work and have no time to freak out so you're gonna be an aunt. She pauses then tells me shes very excited and that everythings gonna be okay. Probably some more things too, I cant remember too well. One of my hostesses called and says she was gonna be late because her mom is 3 months pregnant and having back pain and she needs to help her. Is it just me or is everything about babies around me lately?? That had been the 4th thing I had heard over the past few days about pregnancy or baby. I had lunch with Dom that day, something that doesn't happen. All I kept thinking is oh god will he be mad? Hes always told me he wants kids and that he'd like to be a young dad, but was this the right time? When my hostess showed  up I asked her how her mom was, and she said she was okay that it happens. She tells me she was thinking about me and how I had been feeling lately (nauseous!!! lethargic, very tired DING DING DING all symptoms) and just smiles at me. She said I was already glowing. How did she know!?! Was she some sort of baby whisperer?! We spent the rest of the day finding out ways to tell him. It was decided that I would buy baby booties and present them to him.

 I got off work early and went to the store. There were no baby booties, I had spent the whole day texting my sister and best friend and they pointed out that while I had the whole day to process what was happening I couldnt expect him to be completely fine with everything the moment I told him. And since I had done the whole "negative" on myself that I should present it in a positive way to him. So I did what I thought was best, I went to the beer aisle and bought a "40 oz" then went back to the baby aisle. The cheapest thing was a baby bottle. Why didnt I think of that!! I also picked up a random stuffed sock puppet. I came home and he was outside with the neighbor hanging out, I start sweating and make my way inside. He comes to use the bathroom and I lock myself in the bedroom trying to set things up. (I had also promised Viktoria I would record his reaction) I ask him to come in and he looks at my set up kind of confused, then says "Are you pregnant" I dont know where my voice went I weakly said yes....and immediately want to start crying. He asks me how Im doing if Im okay and all I want to know is how HE is if hes scared upset mad...Hes smiling, no not smiling, grinning from ear to ear. What a relief. Honestly I had never seen him so happy. He then says well you dont know me you got me the wrong 40....Give it to him to talk about the beer! He asked me to go outside with him to drink, " oh no wait you cant drink anymore!"
Okay hes getting the hang of things, I think well be alright!!!
I stayed behind to call back Viktoria and my sister to let them know how it went. As I went outside my neighbor had baby clothes in her hand and said Id like you to have these. What an amazing gesture! They had problems and had bought some clothes already, but she said shed love it if I had them. This southern hospitality thing is really an amazing thing.

Now I know what they say, "Dont tell people until your 3rd month" Ive never been one for much patience. So I had to call my parents, it was the right thing to do! They had just had some missionaries rent out their place and went 5 days without internet , the internet at the beach house is terrible. So their phone wasnt working. I finally got a hold of mom on facebook (Shes very social network savvy) and asked for them to call me. Again I get scared, these are my parents! I talk a little with her and finally I say, Youre gonna be a grandma!! She started crying and cheering and thanking god for such a blessing. When dad gets on the phone and I tell him hes a little different, hes always been more conservative, and he was in the Navy. So I got a congratulations Im very happy for you and theyre very happy for another grandchild. When I got off the phone with him I had a notification on my facebook, mom had tagged me and said she was so happy she was getting another child, now this would have been mortifying in one language but she included both!! I had to explain to he the 3 month rule and that his family didnt know yet. It was great to see her so happy though. Hopefully they come back, as me and my sister have planned in our minds, mom could babysit and dad work...

I also went online that day to look up ob/gyn's in the area. Where would I go? Thank you google! I found a place that seemed nice, its all women doctors and in their pictures they all have very nice white teeth...

So here I am now. I have an appointment on the 20th.. I havent got a clue about pregnancy and what goes on. Im a bit scared. Ive always thought by the time I was having a kid that there would be some sort of x-ray that would zap the baby out of me...
I know how delicate the first few weeks and months are...Im hoping for the best.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Giulia it's Kelly - I'm so happy for you and Dominic! Giulia, you are such a gifted writer - If I were you I'd consider writing some kind of a book and getting published - for reals!$$$$ and Love to your family!!!! k.pineda
